Cave tour

Finding hidden waters deep inside the caves
Guided cave tours to Kreidelucke, Hinterstoder

Caves have always been mysterious places hidden deep inside the earth. Join our guides to discover the caves and learn more about the secret world of a material called karst.



Dates: 15th of May to 30th of September
Duration: approx. 2 hours
Visitors: min. 10 to max. 20 persons
Requirements: rubber boots or hiking shoes, warm clothing, clothes for changing (a pair of trousers, socks, shoes, towel). Helmet and headlamp will be given to you by the guide.
Agility required, adventurous tour: you will get wet!
Costs: children from 10 years onwards € 10,-/ adults € 17,-

Information: Nationalpark Zentrum Molln,
Telephone +43/(0)7584/3651,
Email: Nationalpark Kalkalpen